A+ MiniStorage. You enjoy it, we store it. Billboard
For these pieces, the idea of this campaign is to emphasize the spaces for anything you have, no matter the size such as the items you see in these images (a yacht, a motorcycle or an RVs). At the end of the day, what matters is that you are relax and enjoying your day or your vacation since A+ MiniStorage will help you store it.
Agency: GMG Advertising
Advertiser: A+ MiniStorage
Category: Billboard
CEO: Mike Beovides
Senior Executive Manager: Jennifer Rangel
Concept Art Director: Marco Zuniga
Art Director: Marco Zuniga
Copywriter: Marco Zuniga / Mike Beovides
Graphic Designer: Marco Zuniga
Photography: Shutterstock
Selling the big idea
Table of contents:
• Current understanding
• Value, attitudes & lifestyle
• Target audience
• The problem
• Insight
• The challenge
• Brand support
• The Solution: Connection
• Big idea!
• Unique selling proposition
• Execution
Current understanding
We live in a world where buying whatever we desire adds enjoyment to our lives. This need of purchasing to enjoy leaves us with a big problem. Each time we buy something new we are left with less and less space to store these items we enjoy and wondering what to do.
“Where do we store all these items we enjoy so much?”
The concept behind our design places value on your items and making sure that just because you don’t have room for it doesn’t mean you have to get rid of it. Memories and time spent with these items can be safely stored and taken out later without cluttering your home.
Value, attitudes & lifestyle
Buy everything you want…
Target audience
… and enjoy everything that you buy
The problem
But then, you don’t know where to store it
“I never have space for anything”.
The challenge
The challenge is to demonstrate that A+ Mini Storage has that space you’re looking for.
Brand support
At A+ MiniStorage we have the space you are looking for to store the items you value so much
The Solution: Connection
The most important thing to remember is to enjoy because A+ Mini Storage will be in charge of the rest
Unique selling proposition
The door seen above the billboard serves as an analogy to buy the space you need offering by A+ Mini Storage. Within the graphic, we aim to place text detailing the dimensions of storage and number of parking spaces available for RVs and boats.
Execution: 360° campaign
Print Ads
Exciting news about billboard A+ MiniStorage from NBC
Digital technique: YouTube channel
My workstation
Storytelling (Spanish version)
La idea esta enfocada en la experiencia de disfrutar lo que compramos y lo que pasa después cuando no sabemos donde guardarlo.
Este insight es muy importante porque cuando compramos no pensamos en donde guardaremos nuestra compra.
Pensamos en los buenos momentos que pasaremos con lo que tenemos.
Aquí esta el problema… después no sabemos donde guardarlo cuando tenemos poco espacio.
En el Billboard vemos la solución a ese problema pero de una forma positiva metiendo las experiencias que vivimos dentro de un almacén.
“Tu te diviertes, nosotros lo guardamos”
You enjoy it, We Store it. ( Tagline approved)
Fun! We Store Everything (Original tagline)
Thank you!
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